Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025

Today 13 March, 2025 - Thursday, you can know the exact time of five daily prayers in Neoteric IT complete article about netrokona district prayer schedule from this page.

This page for Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025 .

Hello dear guest - Welcome to Neoteric IT . You have come to Neoteric IT for information about Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025 . Today I will conclude this article by discussing Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025 in detail. Search Google to know more about Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025 write Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025 or click here for visit. See the page Table of content for know the main topic of this article.

Islamic prayer times near netrokona | today namaz time netrokona 2025

Today is 13 March, 2025 - Thursday, Hello, dear Islamic brothers and sisters, I am presenting the prayer schedule of netrokona district for you . Today 13 March, 2025 netrokona district prayer times : Fazar Time 04:55 Minutes, Sunrise time 06:05 Minutes, Dhuhr or Juma time 12:08 Minutes, Asr namaj time 04:28 Minutes, Magrib namaj time 06:07 Minutes, Esha namaz time 07:19 Minutes .


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Today's prayer schedule netrokona, Bangladesh

Fajar Sunrise Dhuhr / Juma Asr Maghrib Esha
04:55 dawn 06:05 dawn 12:08 Noon 04:28 Afternoon 06:07 evening 07:19 night
Based on Islamic Foundation Bangladesh

Today's prayer schedule 13 March, 2025 - netrokona

netrokona district today 13 March, 2025 date prayer schedule

Fajar DhuhrAsrMaghribEsha
04:55 minutes 12:08 minutes 04:28 minutes 06:07 minutes 07:19 minutes

Tomorrow's prayer schedule - netrokona

netrokona district tomorrow 14 March, 2025 English date prayer schedule. Are you looking for tomorrow's five times prayer schedule of netrokona district? Then this Neoteric IT table is for you.

Fajar DhuhrAsrMaghribEsha
04:54 minutes 12:08 minutes 04:28 minutes 06:07 minutes 07:19 minutes
Today's Bengali, English and Arabic dates live

Today's 5 times prayer schedule netrokona district

Allah created man and jinn for His worship. Allah declares the purpose of creation of man and jinn in verse 56 of Surah Zariat of al-Qur'an, 'I have created jinn and man so that they may worship Me.'' Good news has been given for them. In the Hereafter they will enjoy the blissful life of Paradise.

Prayer is one of the five pillars of Islam. After believing in Allah, the most important obligatory worship for believers is prayer. After reaching adulthood, it is obligatory for everyone, regardless of whether they are rich or poor, to pray at the appointed time. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala said, "Surely, prayer at the appointed time is obligatory for the believers." Prayer is the only worship; Through which people leave all the work of the world and become devoted only to Allah. This prayer cleanses people from all the sins of the world. Protects from all the injustices of the world.

Regarding prayer, the Prophet (PBUH) said, "On the Day of Resurrection, the first act that will be taken into account from the servant is prayer." So if the prayer is correct, his other deeds will also be considered correct. Otherwise all other actions will be fruitless and unsuccessful.' (Tirmidhi: 413)

So we have to pray five times on time, otherwise we have to be guilty. May Allah grant us all understanding. Amen.

Today's Fajr prayer schedule netrokona district

Today's Fajr prayer time in netrokona district is 04:55 am to 06:05 am . Fajr prayer consists of two rakat sunnat and two rakat Faraz namaz. The obligatory part is performed with the congregation led by the imam. Fajr prayer time from dawn till sunrise. After the two rakat sunnah prayers of Fajr, the obligatory prayers are to be performed. Something important about Fajr prayer. Find out in the information:

Fajr prayer is better than everything in the world. The Fajr prayer is the most important of the five daily prayers.

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, “Whoever performs the Fajr prayer is included in the care of Allah Almighty....” (Muslim, Hadith: 1379)

Fajr prayer is better than everything in the world: Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Two rakat Fajr prayer is better than the world and everything in it." (Muslim, Hadith: 1573)

Dhuhr prayer schedule today netrokona district

Today's Dhuhr prayer time in netrokona district is from 12:08 Minutes . Dhuhr prayer is a total of 12 rakat. Dhuhr prayer consists of four rakat sunnat, four rakat faraz and then two rakat sunnat. Some people offer two rak'ah Nafal prayers later. The obligatory part is performed with the congregation led by the imam. However, if a person is in the state of Musafi, he can shorten the obligatory four rak'at to two rak'at and not perform the Sunnah.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah blesses those who pray daily Dhuhr.

Dhuhr prayer is also more important among the five daily prayers. Its virtues cannot be overstated. As a result, it is possible to ensure the welfare of the world and the hereafter.

Today's Asr prayer schedule netrokona district

Today's Asr prayer time of netrokona district is from 04:28 PM. Asr prayer consists of four rakat sunnah and four rakat Faraz. The obligatory part is performed with the congregation led by the imam. However, if the person is in the state of Musafi, he can shorten the four rakat Faraz to two rakats.

Today's Maghrib prayer schedule netrokona district

Today's Maghrib prayer time of netrokona district is from 06:07 PM. Maghrib prayer total seven rakat. Consists of three rakat Faraz, two rakat sunnat and two rakat nafal. The obligatory part is performed with the congregation led by the imam. However, if a person is in the state of Musafi, he can perform only three rak'ahs.

Today's Esha prayer schedule netrokona district

Today's Esha prayer time of netrokona district is from 07:19 PM .Isha Faraz (mandatory) prayer is 4 rakat, which every Muslim has to perform. The Faraz part has to be recited with the congregation under the leadership of the imam, but if there is any difficulty, it can be recited by oneself. However, if you read with the congregation, the reward is twenty-seven times more. Farad 4 rakat followed by 2 rakat sunnah prayer is an important sunnah (sunnat muaqqadah) and the Prophet never left it during his lifetime. Then, 2 rakat nafal namaz and 3 rakat witr namaz.

Next 30 days prayer schedule of the netrokona district

DateFajar DhuhrAsrMaghribEsha
2025-03-13 04:55 the dawn 12:08 the Noon 04:28 the Afternoon 06:07 the evening 07:19 the night
2025-03-14 04:54 the dawn 12:08 the Noon 04:28 the Afternoon 06:07 the evening 07:19 the night
2025-03-15 04:53 the dawn 12:07 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:07 the evening 07:20 the night
2025-03-16 04:52 the dawn 12:07 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:08 the evening 07:20 the night
2025-03-17 04:51 the dawn 12:07 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:08 the evening 07:20 the night
2025-03-18 04:51 the dawn 12:07 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:08 the evening 07:21 the night
2025-03-19 04:50 the dawn 12:06 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:09 the evening 07:21 the night
2025-03-20 04:49 the dawn 12:06 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:09 the evening 07:21 the night
2025-03-21 04:48 the dawn 12:06 the Noon 04:29 the Afternoon 06:09 the evening 07:22 the night
2025-03-22 04:47 the dawn 12:05 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:10 the evening 07:22 the night
2025-03-23 04:45 the dawn 12:05 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:10 the evening 07:22 the night
2025-03-24 04:44 the dawn 12:05 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:10 the evening 07:23 the night
2025-03-25 04:43 the dawn 12:04 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:11 the evening 07:23 the night
2025-03-26 04:42 the dawn 12:04 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:11 the evening 07:24 the night
2025-03-27 04:41 the dawn 12:04 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:11 the evening 07:24 the night
2025-03-28 04:40 the dawn 12:03 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:12 the evening 07:25 the night
2025-03-29 04:38 the dawn 12:03 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:12 the evening 07:25 the night
2025-03-30 04:37 the dawn 12:03 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:13 the evening 07:27 the night
2025-03-31 04:36 the dawn 12:02 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:13 the evening 07:27 the night
2025-04-01 04:35 the dawn 12:02 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:14 the evening 07:28 the night
2025-04-02 04:34 the dawn 12:02 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:14 the evening 07:28 the night
2025-04-03 04:33 the dawn 12:02 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:14 the evening 07:29 the night
2025-04-04 04:31 the dawn 12:01 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:15 the evening 07:29 the night
2025-04-05 04:30 the dawn 12:01 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:15 the evening 07:30 the night
2025-04-06 04:30 the dawn 12:01 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:16 the evening 07:30 the night
2025-04-07 04:29 the dawn 12:01 the Noon 04:30 the Afternoon 06:16 the evening 07:30 the night
2025-04-08 04:28 the dawn 12:00 the Noon 04:31 the Afternoon 06:16 the evening 07:31 the night
2025-04-09 04:27 the dawn 12:00 the Noon 04:31 the Afternoon 06:16 the evening 07:31 the night
2025-04-10 04:26 the dawn 12:00 the Noon 04:31 the Afternoon 06:17 the evening 07:31 the night
2025-04-11 04:25 the dawn 11:59 the Noon 04:31 the Afternoon 06:17 the evening 07:32 the night

Prayer schedule of 64 districts of Bangladesh

The link to view the schedule of 64 districts of Bangladesh and 23 districts of West Bengal is given below.

Note: Some images of this post have been collected from Google, Facebook and various sites. If anyone has any objections please comment - the image will be removed.

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